About 6 weeks
That's how much more school work we "officially" have left in this school year. Our first year of home schooling has flown by. We started a book study in World Geography last week with Around the World in 80 days. The kids seem to like mapping out his route as we read the book. Chance is already on Chapter 8 of his third Math text book this year. This from a child who struggled with multiplication throughout the entire previous school year. Proof enough for me that one on one instruction has been great for him. After months of pestering me about teaching him to knit I finally got around to it. He loves it and even went to a knit event at the library last week. In a couple of weeks he tests in Tae Kwon Do to advance to another belt as well.
Finn has completed four levels in hooked on phonics and has one more box to get through before he finishes. He's so excited to be able to read all the step 1 beginning to read books at the bookstore all by himself. He also progressed to the highest level in his swim classes this past week.

We attended a few musicals in the past few weeks. The first was a local production of Disney's High School Musical. The kids loved the dancing and singing.
This past week we drove down to Sandwich to see School House Rock Live. The actors did a great job.
Next week Chance is attending a full day at a survival skills camp for home school outdoor education day. Just being outdoors will be a nice break.
I'm busy checking out summer camps. Chance is signing up for a week up at the forest preserve called Rockin’ in the River. They spend the week studying, playing, and becoming Kishwaukee River experts by the end of the week.
He's interested in attending a week camp at Cornell studying architecture. This requires a bit more planning but we love Ithaca in the summer so any excuse to go would be fine with us.