My little reader
It's been all about Harry the last couple of days. Earlier in the month Chance entered an essay contest at the local library to win a copy of the newest book. He found out Thursday that he won so he was very excited. Today at Noon he picked up his book.

Last night at 12:01am Chris bought a copy for himself so they've been reading all day. Chance will probably finish it up tomorrow as he's already halfway through it.
I have yet to start the first book in the series. I've been reading through
Looking for God in Harry Potter by John Granger. "He tries to prove that Harry Potter is a Christian story with Christian themes, symbols, and messages. He also believes the Harry Potter books can both help current Christians reinforce their beliefs and perhaps lead non-Christians to Christianity by laying the groundwork for acceptance of Christian doctrines." Pretty interesting point of view,eh?
Summer fun
Wow the summer is flying by. The kids finished up their theater camp with two performances for family and friends. My parents were passing through on their way home from a trip to Canada just in time to see their shows.

Finn was a red fish and Chance was a kid. They both practiced really hard and did fantastic for their first times on stage.
They've been enjoying swimming in the pool as the weather has been extremely HOT. The hot temps have helped warm the water. Today the water temperature was 88. Finn has really improved his swimming skills this summer as he now can keep up with Chance and Dad swimming laps and jumping in the deep end.
Last week was our annual trip to the Taste of Chicago.

Chicago sure is beautiful in the summer.
Chance started piano lessons a couple of weeks ago and he seems to be enjoying it. He's completed 40 hours of summer reading and still going. He loves to read! He's looking forward to getting his hands on the last Harry Potter book when it comes out the 21st.