A busy week.
Last week was the busiest week of our school year thus far. We started out on Friday with history night with the HOUSE home school group. The kids worked throughout the week putting together a presentation on codes and ciphers to share with the group. I let them put it all together and was very surprised by how well they did all on their own.(Dad helped with the computer printouts for the poster.Thanks Dad!!)

Next up on Sunday was their first piano recital. They both did a great job. There were about 46 kids performing at the recital so they were able to hear a variety of levels which was great.

This year I decided to start both kids off following the classical model of education outlined in the book "The Well Trained Mind". It's been going along great with both learning the same content but at different levels. We're starting week 25 of what I hope to be a 36 week "school" year. Last Tuesday we visited an open house of Classical Conversations. The kids each spent the day in their respective "classrooms". My 6 year old absolutely loved all the memorization, songs, and map work. With this year going along so well why would I want to change up our schedule? I would have to change our system so we'd be on a 3 year rotation instead of my current 4 year cycle. This year we're in ancient history and next year instead of covering medieval history as planned they would have to switch to American history to "fit in" with this group. I sometimes feel the kids need more acountability for their work and somehow I feel this group may be what we need.
My poor husband has been very patient with me as I consider next year's plan and it's only FEBRUARY! I can't help it. The education of my kids are extremely important to me. It's all up to me now so I can't rely on anyone else to make sure they "graduate" into well educated and well rounded individuals.
Thursday was Valentine's Day. We met up with about 40 kids to exchange valentine's, eat cupcakes, and let the kids work some energy out. We had a great time. It's always nice to hear that other parents go through exactly the same struggles in parenting and schooling that I experience.
On Friday we met up with a Mom(and her two kids) whom I "met" through an online knitting group. We sat, talked, and knit while the kids played games. We had a nice lunch and hope to meet up with even more home schooling knitters in the future!
All those social obligations in one week wore me out so this week looks to be much quieter.