Time Flies
Sometimes(almost always) the days fly by and I forget to update here. The past week has been a busy one. We headed to Chicago not once but twice this past week. A week ago we headed to a Conservatory. See post here. We all enjoyed seeing the tropical plants and trees and hope to go back on a day that's less crazy.Then on Monday we headed to our annual trip to the Auto Show. The kids loved climbing in and out of all the cars.
Chance's favorite was a PT Cruiser-"Pacific Coast Highway" special edition equipped with a surf board rack on top.

Monday night a snowstorm moved in and Chris took a "snow day" on Tuesday because the roads were such a mess. The kids were excited to have a substitute teacher for the day.
Wednesday we met up with our home school group at a local bowling alley. The kid's each made cute "mailboxes" this year.

We were a bit a disappointed by how disorganized the valentine exchange was and the kids never got to finish their game of bowling. Sometimes(almost always) we have a better time on our own than trying to do group activities. Hey you never know how it's going to be until you try it right?
I signed both kids up for summer baseball this past week. Finn will be trying out t ball for the first time. This is Chance's fourth year playing baseball. I think
he's more excited to help Finn with his skills than starting up a new season for himself. Finn is doing awesome with his swimming and the coach wants to move him to the highest level available for preschool level. He loves gymnastics as well and it's helping with his coordination quite a bit. Chance is attending taekwondo four times a week and really likes it.
We're all looking forward to our first home school conference this coming Friday and Saturday as "official" home schoolers. (Last year I attended by myself even though the kids were both in public school.) I hope the kids have a good time as they were able to get into all the workshops I signed them up for. They have everything from art and music to science shows on their agenda. Chris is looking forward to a seminar on cheap travel as he really wants to travel to Europe in the near future.
The kids and I leave for South Texas via Amtrak a week from Monday. They are VERY excited.